PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons or try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.

The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable new program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This BASIC SKILLS course is designed for the absolute beginner, but is recommended for anyone wanting to improve their drawing skills. In this first week you’ll learn:

• How to hold the pencil
• How to draw any shape
• How to analyze any form
• How to use light lines and basic shapes to lay an accurate foundation for any subject

Once you’ve completed the lessons, there are hours of bonus demonstrations that will show you how to apply what you’ve learned to a wide range of subjects including botanicals and even the human figure.

BASIC SKILLS is the first entry in a series designed to take students from the absolute basics to advanced techniques like volumetric drawing and the science of light and shadow. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with one free month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons or try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.

How you draw says just as much about you as what you draw. In this second course in the Art & Science of Drawing series, you’ll learn to bring your drawings to life with dynamic and engaging mark making. You’ll learn to truly express yourself through drawing from the most delicate of marks to lines that jump off the page with passionate intensity.

You’ll learn:

• How to use the pencil to create a wide range of expressive and engaging lines marks.
• How to infuse your line work with emotion that truly connect with a viewer.
• How to draw objects in a way that give the viewer a sense of what it feels like to the touch.
• How to make objects appear to recede in space using atmospheric perspective.

The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable new program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is the second installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons here. Try out the course on Skillshare with a free month of Premium Skillshare access here.

Here, in parts three and four of THE ART & SCIENCE OF DRAWING series, you’ll learn to do drawings that give the illusion of 3-Dimensional objects occupying deep space.

You’ll start by learning how to draw the sphere, the cylinder and the cube, the foundational shapes that all other forms, no matter how complex, are constructed from. Next you’ll learn to combine and manipulate these forms to draw any form observable or imaginable. You'll even get an introduction to linear perspective! Never again will your drawings appear flat and lifeless on the page.

This is the perfect course for painters who want to add depth to their work and the perfect primer for figure drawing. Learning how to think and draw in terms of volume is what makes the difference between good artists and great artists.

This course contains the third and fourth installments of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons here. Try out the course on Skillshare for free with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.

Dramatically increase the accuracy of your drawings with this course in THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING series.

Here, you’ll be introduced to a series of measuring tools and strategies that will take the guesswork out of the drawing process. You'll learn how to determine the proportions of any subject and draw them accurately on the page. You’ll also learn how to use angle sighting to triangulate the location of any conceivable point on your subject.

This course is perfect for artist of any medium looking to improve their accuracy and a great primer for painting and figure drawing.

THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable new program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is the fifth installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons here. Try out the course on Skillshare with a free month of Premium Skillshare access here.

In this course in THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING series, you’ll learn to describe complex, volumetric form using three kinds of contour lines. First, you’ll learn to craft a detailed outside contour. Next you’ll learn to draw inner contours and overlaps that will describe any subject with great depth. Finally, you’ll learn to draw using cross contour lines to create the illusion of dramatic volume and deep space. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to combine different kinds of contour lines to draw any form. You’ll even be introduced to foreshortening, one of the most sought after drawing skills.

THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable new program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE

ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is the sixth installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons here. Try out the course on Skillshare with a free month of Premium Skillshare access here.

In this course you’ll learn how to draw using dramatic light and shadow. All form, no matter how complex, follows a basic set of shading principles. By understanding how light operates on the fundamental volumes of the sphere, cylinder and cube, you’ll be able to realistically shade and render basic forms and be prepared to draw and shade more complex subjects. It’s essential that every artist and creative professional know and be able to use these powerful shading techniques.

This course is a perfect prerequisite to painting and figure drawing.

THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is the seventh installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.


PREVIEW and ENROLL in this AWARD WINNING, BEST SELLING drawing course for the lowest possible price with my available coupons here. Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.

If you can shade a sphere, a cube and a cylinder, you can learn to shade any subject, no matter how complex. This course will show you how. In these five in-depth lessons you’ll learn how light operates on complex objects including concave forms like cups and bowls as well as organic subjects like fruit and vegetables. This course even includes an introduction to cross-hatching, one of the most sought after drawing skills

The skills taught in this course are essential for anyone interested in continuing on to figure drawing.

THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is a remarkable new program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that will introduce an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. THE ART & SCIENCE of DRAWING is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This course is the eighth and final installment of an 8-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in order. If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Try out the course on Skillshare with a month of Premium Skillshare access here.